Blaine Boyer
Blain Boyer - Board Member
Blaine Boyer, is a Board of Director of the E3 Ranch Foundation. A MLB pitcher for 18 years he has played with the Atlanta Braves, Milwaukee Brewers, Kansas City Royals and Boston Red Sox.
It was in 2016 that Blaine had a life changing experience when he went to Southeast Asia for 10 days with Adam. They were on a mission to help people who were victims of human trafficking. Blaine’s prayers and focus changed at that moment praying, “Lord, let me see people the way you see them. What breaks your heart, let it break my heart too.”
While active in his local community and church, Blaine participates in mission trips to share with others the Word of God to encourage “a personal relationship with Christ”.
Blaine actively supports multiple trafficking organizations including Deliver Fund, International Justice Mission, and SERT Ministries.
Blaine lives in Georgia with his wife Ginsey and their two sons, Levi and Benaiah, and daughter Mary Cora.